The Structure and Relation of Central and Local Government

Contribution to the course Local Government Law from the perspective of comparison of laws


Semester 2, 2021/22 (IUP); Tuesday, 01.03., 08.03. and 15.03., 15:00 - 17:30, online via Zoom

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Final note

After the end of the course this website has been finished. It will stay available for the purpose of deepening and repetition. Thank you for your interest and commitment. You are always welcome to contact me for any comments or questions. With best wishes for your future studies, yours Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz

Course Contribution Description

At the Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada the courses are shared by several lecturers. This website informs about the contents of my lectures in March 2022. They complement those of my colleague Faiz Rahman from the perspective of comparison of laws with a special focus on German law.

Downloads (PDF files)  




Slides presented in the lectures (® aids for illustration)
- Slide 1  (Introduction; concerning § 1)
- Slide 2  (Regional "local government" or "statehood"? The fundamental decision for a unitarian or federalist system
; concerning § 2)
- Slide 3  (The decision for centralism, decentralisation or regional and local autonomy; concerning § 3)
- Slide 4  (The structure of "central" government - the example of Germany; concerning § 4)
- Slide 5  (The structure of local government - the example of Germany; concerning § 5)

Contents (summary/details)


§ 1  Introduction


§ 2  Regional "local government" or "statehood"? The fundamental decision for a unitarian or federalist system


§ 3  The decision for centralism, decentralisation or local and regional autonomy


§ 4  The structure of "central" government - the example of Germany (overview)


§ 5  The structure of local government - the example of Germany


§ 6  Special phenomena

Bibliography (selection for this course contribution)


Bergström, Tomas; Franzke, Jochen; Kuhlmann, Sabine Kuhlmann (editors): The Future of Local Self-Government. European Trends in Autonomy, Innovations and Central-Local Relations, 2021


Haschke, Dieter: Local government administration in Germany, German Law Archive 2013


Himsworth, Chris: The European Charter of Local Self-Government. A Treaty for Local Democracy, 2015


Ladner, Andreas; Keuffer, Nicolas; Baldersheim, Harald and others: Patterns of Local Autonomy in Europe, 2019


Panara, Carlo; Varney, Michael (editors): Local Government in Europe: The 'Fourth Level'’ in the EU Multi-Layered System of Governance, 2013


Robbers, Gerhard: An Introduction to German Law, 7th edition 2019, p. 52 ff., 81 ff.


Schwab, Christian; Bouckaert, Geert; Kuhlmann, Sabine (editors): The Future of Local Government in Europe. Lessons from Research and Practice in 31 Countries, 2017


Steytler, Nico (editor): The place and role of local government in federal systems, 2005



Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany of 1949 (see art. 28, 30, 70 et seq., 83 et seq.)


concerning § 2: Masnur Marsuki, Toward Federalism; A Constitutional Solution for Indonesia?, UNISIA XXXIV, no. 76 (2012)


concerning §§ 3 III, 5: Angelika Vetter, Germany: Local Democracy and its Reforms, 2013 (with good overview on p. 1); Dieter Haschke, Local government administration in Germany, German Law Archive 2013; concerning other European countries see Dragan Bataveljic; Dusan Jerotijevic; Dejan Logarusic, A Comparative Analysis of the Most Popular Models of Local Government, Economica 62 (2016), no. 4, p. 141 ff., and the comprehensive overview of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Local and Regional Government in Europe. Structures and Competences, 2016


concerning § 3 IV: European Charter of Local Self-Government (special website/text); Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (institution of the Council of Europe; see in particular the Carta-Monitor with comparative analysis by articles and countries)


concerning § 4: diagram on the structure of public administration in Germany (Umweltbundesamt; see slide 5)


concerning § 5: Falk Ebinger; Sabine Kuhlmann; Joeg Bogumil, Territorial reforms in Europe: effects on administrative performance and democratic participation, Local Government Studies 45 (2018), no. 1; Paweł Swianiewicz; Adam Gendźwiłł; Alfonso Zardi, Territorial reforms in Europe: Does size matter? Territorial Amalgamation Toolkit, 2017


concerning § 6 I: Yvonne Hegele, Horizontal coordination in cooperative federalism: The purpose of ministerial conferences in Germany, Regional and Federal Studies 27 (2017), p. 529 ff.


concerning § 6 II: Council of Europe, Good practices in intermunicipal co-operation, 2007


concerning § 6 III: Euregio Maas-Rhine (example for advanced transnational cooperation, explanations by the city of Aachen)


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