DAAD Lecturer in Law Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz /
DAAD-Langzeitdozent für
Rechtswissenschaften Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz
Information on my courses and other activities as DAAD
Lecturer in Law at the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(Indonesia). / Webseiten zu meinen
Lehrveranstaltungen und anderen Aktivitäten als DAAD-Langzeitdozent für
Rechtswissenschaften an der Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Lecturer in Law of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Prof. Dr.
Thomas Schmitz
Personal details. DAAD Lecturer in Law
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz - personal details
Study in Germany - an overview of course offerings and scholarship
programs for foreign law students in Germany
Current issues. Topical information on
the courses and other activities of DAAD Lecturer in Law Prof. Dr. Thomas
Schmitz, Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta (Indonesia).
Grundrechte in Deutschland -
ein Einblick, Vortragsreihe an der Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,
30.11., 07.12. und 14.12.2018
Fundamental Rights in
Europe - the Example of Germany, Workshop at the European Studies Master
Programme of the School of Strategic and Global Studies of the University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, 28.-29.03.2019
Course contribution Human and
Fundamental Rights Regimes in Europe (to the course Human Rights Norms and
Mechanisms II), 11.-12.02.2019
Course contribution Human Rights
Norms and Mechanisms II
Third part of the course Human
Rights Law, with special focus on geo-regional human rights law
First part of the course
International Human
Rights Law
Course contribution
Administrative law, from the perspective of comparison of laws
Course contribution
The Structure and Relation of Central and Local Government (fo the course
Local Government Law), from the perspective of comparison of laws
Course contribution Review
Mechanisms in Constitutional and Administrative Law (to the course Public
Policy, Legislation and Review Mechanism), from the perspective of
comparison of laws
Course contribution
Introduction to the European Union (to the course International Organization
Course Comparative
Constitutional Law
Course contribution
Constitutionalism in Europe (to the course Constitutional Law)
Course contribution Executive-Legislative Relations
Course contribution Electoral Law
Course contribution
Associations of States (to the course General Theory of the State)
Course contribution
Non-Judicial control of public admin. in Germany (to the course Oversight of State Administration)
Course contribution
Constitutional Development and Principles of Good Government
Course contribution Legal
Events & special lectures.
Special activities as DAAD lecturer at the Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Guest lecture of Prof. Dr.
Anis Bajrektarevic: Cyber space – cyber law: cybercrimes and cyber
(societal) wrongs, 16.04.2019
DAAD Lecturer in Law Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz - keywords: / DAAD-Langzeitdozent für
Rechtswissenschaften Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz - Stichwörter:
Personal details. DAAD Lecturer in Law
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz - personal details, areas of expertise,
professional experience, main publication
Study in Germany - an overview of course offerings and scholarship
programs for foreign law students in Germany; summer courses, complementary
study programs, postgraduate study programs, scholarship programs, links to
general information on studying in Germany
Vortragsreihe Grundrechte in
Deutschland - ein Einblick, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 30.11.,
07.12., 14.12.2018, Einführung in die Grundrechte, aktuelle Probleme der
Meinungsfreiheit, Gleihheit vor dem Gesetz, Gleichberechtigung von Männern
und Frauen, Nicht-Diskriminierung
Workshop Fundamental
Rights in Europe - the Example of Germany. European Studies Master
Programme of the School of Strategic and Global Studies of the University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, 28.-29.03.2019, introduction to German fundamental
rights and fundamental rights doctrine, dogmatic structure of fundamental
rights, freedom of opinion, freedom of religion, equality before the law,
equal rights of men and women, non-discrimination, human rights and
fundamental rights, parallelism of human and fundamental rights regimes,
Course contribution Human and
Fundamental Rights Regimes in Europe (contribution to the course Human
Rights Norms and Mechanisms II). Asia Pacific Master Degree Program on
Human Rights and Democracy; 11.-12.02.2019. Concepts of human rights and
fundamental rights, parallelism of human and fundamental rights regiemes,
European Convention on Human Rights, fundamental rights in the European
Union, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, fundamental
rights in Germany, German fundamental rights doctrine, constitutional
complaint, comparison of the European Convention on Human Rights with other
human rights regimes, European Court of Human Rights
Course contribution Human Rights
Norms and Mechanisms II.
Children's rights, equal rights of men and women and the promotion of gender
equality under European law;
Equality before the law, non-discrimination, equal rights of men and women and
the state's obligation to promote effective gender equality under the German
Basic Law
Third part of the course Human
Rights Law, with special focus on geo-regional human rights law,
concepts of human rights and fundamental rights,
parallelism of human and fundamental rights regimes, geo-regional human
rights law, European Convention on Human Rights, European human rights law,
American Convention on Human Rights, American human rights law, African
Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, African human rights law, business and
human rights
Course contribution to the course
Administrative law from the perspective of comparison of laws,
legal sources of administrative law, structure of
central and local government, civil servants law, elements of the legality
of the administrative decision
Course contibution The
Structure and Relation of Central and Local Government (contribution to the
course Local Government Law from the perspective of comparison of laws),
Semester 2, 2019/20, structure and relation of central and local government,
local government law from the perspective of comparision of laws,
unitarianism and federalism, local self-government (local autonomy),
Course contribution Review
Mechanisms in Constitutional and Administrative Law (contribution to the
course Public Policy, Legislation and Review Mechanism from the
perspective of comparison of laws), semester 2, 2018/19, constitutional
review, constitutional courts, German Federal Constitutional Court,
Bundesverfassungsgericht, constitutional complaint, judicial review of
adminstrative action, non-judicial control of administrative action,
administrative review
Second part of the course
International Human
Rights Law, human rights and fundamental rights,
parallelism of human and fundamental rights regimes, human and fundamental
rights as binding law, global human rights law, human rights protection by
the United Nations, global human rights treaties, treaty codies and human
rights compliance control mechanisms, geo-regional human rights law,
European Convention on Human Rights, European human rights law, American Convention on Human Rights, American human rights law, African
Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, African human rights law, ASEAN Human
Rights DeclerationSecond part of the course International Human Rights
Course Comparative
Constitutional Law, constitution as legal
institution, stages of constitutional history, fundamental constitutional
decisions, fundamental values and ideas, fundamental constitutional
principles, free and democratic state, human dignity, principle of
democracy, rule of law, separation of powers, solidarity, social justice and
social cohesion, fundamental rights doctrine, freedom of opinion, freedom of
religion and tolerance in a pluralistic society, constitutional review
Course contribution
Constitutionalism in Europe, basics of
constitutionalism, fundamental constitutional decisions, fundamental values
and ideas, fundamental constitutional principles, free and democratic state,
human dignity, principle of democracy, rule of law, separation of powers,
solidarity, social justice and social cohesion, fundamental rights doctrine,
constitutional jurisdiction
Course contribution Executive-Legislative Relations,
parliamentary systems, presidential systems and
semi-presidential systems, separation of powers, constitutional
jurisdiction, executive power and legislative power, regulative powers,
impeachment, legislative process
Course contribution Electoral Law,
democracy as a fundamental value in the democratic
constitutional state, political parties, political party funding, defensive
democracy, principles of electoral law
Course contribution
Associations of States (to the course General Theory of the State),
associations of states, world order of states,
territorial state, sovereignty, federal state, unitary state, confederation,
international organisation, supranational organisation, supranational union,
integration through law, European constitution
Course contribution
Non-Judicial control of public admin. in Germany (to the course Oversight of State Administration),
non-judicial control of public administration in
Germany, administrative self-control, objection proceedings
Course contribution
Constitutional Development and Principles of Good Government, constitutional development, judicial further development of law,
principles of good government, rule of law
Course contribution Legal
writing, How to answer exam questions, How to write
a course paper, intellectual and formal standards for scientific papers, A
first insight into practical legal case-solving
The implementation of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Europe
and Germany,
National Seminar UMB
Baubau, 08.02.2020;
Human Rights and the New Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
Science Talk
Freedom of Religion and Tolerance in a Pluralistic Society - the Example of