Intellectual and Formal Standards of Scientific Legal Research and Writing

Second part of the course Methodology of Legal Research and Legal Writing


Semester 1, 2022/23 (Intern. LL.M Program); 04.10., 11.10., 20.10., 31.10., 03.11., 09.11. and 17.11.2022, 14:00 - 15:45, room B.2.1

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Final note

After the end of the course this website has been finished. It will stay available for the purpose of deepening and repetition. Thank you for your interest and commitment. You are always welcome to contact me for any comments or questions. With best wishes for your future studies, yours Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz

Course Contribution Description

At the Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada the courses are shared by several lecturers. This website informs about the contents of my lectures in October and November 2022. They complement those of my colleague Dr. I Gusti Agung Made Wardana, mainly from the perspective of European (in particular German) legal education and science.

After a crash course on how to avoid shortcomings that are common in scientific legal papers and publications in Indonesia, my course contribution covers in detail the demanding intellectual and formal standards of scientific legal research and writing, including the standards of intellectual authenticity, originality, accuracy, consistency, precision and thoroughness, the standards for the formal structure and composition of the academic work (including those for the bibliography and the index) and the scientific style of writing. A special emphasis is placed on the art of scientific quoting, which is important for international publications but not always well-developed in Indonesia. The course will also discuss why these standards are essential for sophisticated legal research and writing. The course will finally include practical exercises and present strategies and practices which are helpful to meet these standards with a reasonable amount of work.

 Downloads (PDF files)  




How to write a course paper (from the course Legal Writing)


Quick guide: How to avoid common shortcomings in Indonesian legal publications (UIN ZAIZU 13.02.2023)


Intellectual standards of scientifc legal research and writing


Diagram 1 (A brief overview over legal methodology) (UIN ZAIZU 13.02.2023)


Diagram 2 (Information on legal literature in the internet)


Formal standards of scientific legal research and writing


Special: Plagiarism and the use of artificial intelligence  (with addendum on ChatGPT)

Contents (summary/details)


§ 1  Scientific legal research and writing in a nutshell
       - with crash course how to avoid common shortcomings


§ 2  Intellectual standards of scientific legal research and writing
       - with brief overview of the methods of legal methodology
        - with practical exercise in literature research


§ 3  Formal standards of scientific legal research and writing
       - with practical exercise in scientific citing

Bibliography (selection for this course contribution in English)


Note that there are plenty of guides and introductions to legal research and writing in German and French!


Bahrych, Lynn; Merino, Jeanne; Mclellan, Beth: Legal Writing and Analysis in a Nutshell, 5th edition 2017


Barros, Luiz Otávio:  The Only Academic Phrasebook You'll Ever Need: 600 Examples of Academic Language, 2016


Bottomley, Jane: Academic Writing for International Students of Science, 2nd edition 2021


Cameron, Catherine J.; Long, Lance N.: The Science Behind the Art of Legal Writing, 2nd edition 2019


Davis, Martha; Davis, Kaaron Joann; Dunagan, Marion: Scientific Papers and Presentations: Navigating Scientific Communication in Today's World, 3rd edition 2012


Eco, Umberto: How to write a thesis, 2015


Gastel, Barbara; Day, Robert: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 9th Edition 2022


Hofmann, Angelika: Scientific Writing and Communication. Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 4th edition 2019


Jiménez Serrano, Pablo: Scientific Methodology: Methods and techniques for legal research, 2022


(Nguyen) Bui, Yvonne: How to Write a Master's Thesis, 3rd edition 2019


Mack, Chris A.: How to Write a Good Scientific Paper, 2018


Möllers, Thomas M. J.: Legal Methods. How to work with legal arguments, 2020 [→ T.S.]


Joyner, Randy L.; Rouse, William A.; Glatthorn, Allan A.: Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation: A Step-by-Step Guide, 4th edition 2018


Kestemont, Lina: Handbook on Legal Methodology. From Objective to Method, 2018


Oliver, Paul: Writing your thesis, 3rd edition 2013


Riesenhuber, Kai: European Legal Methodology, 2nd edition 2021


Skern, Timothy: Writing Scientific English. A Workbook, 3rd edition 2019


Vols, Michael: Legal Research. One Hundred Questions and Answers, 2021


A. Links concerning the general subject of the course


Burns, Dermot (National University of Ireland, Galway), Writing a Scientific-Style Thesis. A Guide for Graduate Research Students, 2017


University of Technology Sidney: UTS: Law Guide to Written Communication, last updated 2017


Oxbridge Essays (editor), Dissertation Writing, last updated 2022 (practical guide, following British tradition)

B. Some examples of modern texts in scientific legal writing


watch in particular ►the structuring, ►the way of scientific citing and the ►scientific style of writing; note the differences in the formal style of citing!


published in Europe: Celia Challet, College of Europe Research Papers in Law 4/2020; Ingolf Pernice, WHI-Paper 01/2017; Carla Zoethout,  Ancilla Iuris 2017, p. 1 ff.; Ulf Linderfalk, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 78 (2018), p. 1 ff.; Thomas Schmitz, Juristenzeitung 56 (2001), p. 883 ff.; Thomas Schmitz, Juridiskā zinātne 12 (2019), p. 86 ff.; Giulia Ciliberto, Goettingen Journal of International Law 11 (2021), p. 15 ff.


published in Asia: Poltak Partogi Nainggolan, Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights 4, Issue 1 (2020), p. 23 ff.; Thomas Schmitz, ICONAS 2019 proceedings, 2019, p. 1 ff.


published in Common Law countries: Lucas Brang, Global Constitutionalism 9 (2020), p. 117 ff.; George Duke, I•CON 17, No. 1 (2019), p. 66 ff.; Jan Petrow, Jean Monnet Working Paper 3/2018

C. Information on legal literature in the internet (concerning § 2 VI and § 3 V)


online bookstores: overview, Book Depository (literature from many countries), amazon US (mainly American literature), amazon UK/France/Germany/Netherlands (mainly national and European literature)


online catalogues of national libraries: Perpustakaan Nasional R.I./ National Library of Indonesia (Jakarta; with Bibliografia Nasional Indonesia), Library of Congress (Washington D.C.), Bibliothèque nationale de France / National Library of France (Paris), Deutsche Nationalbibliothek / German National Library (Berlin, Frankfurt, Leipzig), British Library (London), national libraries in Southeast Asia


online catalogues of research libraries with a focus on comparative and international law: Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg), Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (Freiburg), Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg), Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy (Munich), Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory (Frankfurt), Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law


metacatalogues: Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (KVK, Univ. of Karlsruhe), Library Hub Discover (Jisc)


Specialised databases: GlobaLex (NYU, database on international, comparative and foreign Law), CommonLII (Commonwealth Legal Information Institute, database on law in common law countries), Electronic Research Guide (ERG, by ASIL, database on international law), Research Guides (Law Library of Congress)

D. Other links concerning special subjects


concerning § 2 II: fight against plagiarism:; Harvard University, Avoiding Plagiarism, Purdue University Global, A Guide to Plagiarism and Paraphrasing, 2020; Deutscher Hochschulverband; Allgemeiner Fakultätentag; Fakultätentag (Germany), Joint position paper: Good academic practice in the context of theses submitted for a degree, 09.07.2012; University of Hamburg, Faculty of Law, Guidelines for ensuring Compliance with the Rules of Academic Honesty, Avoidance of Plagiarism and the Requirements for the Evaluation Process within the Doctoral Degree Program at the University of Hamburg’s Faculty of Law, 2011 (see p. 42 ff.)


concerning § 2 IV: Danang Hardianto, Reorientation towards the Nature of Jurisprudence in Legal Research, Mimbar Hukum 26 (2014), p. 340 ff.


concerning § 3: University of Bern, Formal Guidelines for Scientific Theses, 2014; Central European University, Budapest, Thesis Guidelines, 2007


concerning § 3 V: NYU School of Law, Guide to Foreign and International Legal Citations, 2006 (on the style of legal citation in numerous countries; see in particular the information on the citing of books and periodicals)


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