Executive-Legislative Relations Contribution to the course from the perspective of constitutional theory and comparison of laws |
30.12.2022 |
Semester 1, 2022/23 (IUP); Wednesday, 07.09., 14.09. and 21.09.2022, 14:00 - 15:45, room B.3.5 |
Final note
After the end of the course this website has been finished. It will stay available for the purpose of deepening and repetition. Thank you for your interest and commitment. You are always welcome to contact me for any comments or questions. With best wishes for your future studies, yours Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz
Course Contribution Description
At the Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada the courses are shared by several lecturers. This website informs about the contents of my lectures in September 2022. They complement those of my colleague Dr. Zainal Arifin Mochtar from the perspective of constitutional theory and comparison of laws.
Case 1 (facts and discussion of the case) |
Slides presented in
the lectures (®
aids for illustration) |
Contents (summary/details)
§ 1 Theoretical and constitutional backgrounds of executive-legislative relations |
§ 2 Classical questions of executive-legislative relations |
§ 3 Practical case on executive-legislative relations |
Bibliography (selection for this course contribution)
Chang, Wen-Chen; Thio, Li-ann; Tan, Kevin Yl; Yeh, Jiunn-rong: Constitutionalism in Asia. Cases and Materials, 2014, Chapter 3, p. 127 ff. |
Cheibub, José Antonio; LimongiFernando: From Conflict to Coordination: Perspectives on the Study of Executive-Legislative Relations, Revista Ibero-americana de Estudos Legislativos 1 (2010), no. 1, p. 38 ff. |
Dann, Philipp: The Gubernative in Presidential and Parliamentary Systems. Comparing Organizational Structures of Federal Governments in the USA and Germany, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 66 (2006), p. 1 ff. |
Ishiyama, John T.: Comparative Politics. Principles of Democracy and Democratization, 2012, Chapter 8: Legislatures and Executives, p. 177 ff. |
Shugart, Matthew Søbergt: Comparative Executive-Legislative Relations, in: Sarah A Binder; R. A. W. Rhodes; Bert A. Rockman (editors): The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions, 2008 |
Constitutions: Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 in English (html/pdf) and Indonesian, American Constitution of 1787, French Constitution of 1958, German Constitution (Basic Law) of 1949, other constitutions (Constitute/ICL) |
concerning § 1 I: Matthew Søberg Shugart, Semi-Presidential Systems: Dual Executive And Mixed Authority Patterns, French Politics 2005, no. 2, p. 323 ff. |
concerning § 2 II: special course contribution on impeachment, impeachment clauses in national constitutions; Tom Ginsburg; Aziz Huq; David Landau, The Comparative Constitutional Law of Presidential Impeachment, The University of Chicago Law Review 88.1 (2021), p. 81 ff.; John Ohnesorge, Comparing Impeachment Regimes, Univers. of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series Paper No. 1468, 2018; Maxim Tomoszek, Impeachment in the U.S. Constitution and Practice - Implications for the Czech Constitution, ICLR 17 (2017), 129; Alexandra Rattinger, The Impeachment Process of Brazil: A Comparative Look at Impeachment in Brazil and the United States, University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 49 (2018), 129 |
concerning § 2 II.3 (Trump impeachments): articles at Wikipedia, articles of impeachment (first impeachment), article of impeachment (second impeachment), special websites of the Washington Post and the Financial Times; see also the dramatic video with new evidence presented by the prosecutors in the second impeachment trial showing how the Capitol riots unfolded, incited by Donald Trump |
concerning § 2 V: Elliot Bulmer, Presidential Legislative Powers, International IDEA Constitution-Building Primer 15, 2017; Elliot Bulmer, Presidential Veto Powers, International IDEA Constitution-Building Primer 14, 2017 |
concerning § 2 X: Juan Carlos Sánchez, Presidential authoritarianism: A threat to the health of democracy, Global Americans 14.05.2020; Ray Williams, The Rise of Authoritarianism and Decline of Democracy in America, 2020; Gábor Attila Tóth, Authoritarianism, in: Rainer Grote; Frauke Lachenmann; Rüdiger Wolfrum (editors), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, last updated 2017 |
concerning case 1: The German Enabling Act of 1933 (article at Wikipedia, info of the German Bundestag) |